Empower your wellness journey

Unlock your potential by embracing wellness.


The Wellness Place mission is to provide a supportive and empowering environment where every individual can find health and wellness.

The Vision

Wellness, like life, is a journey. There will be times in your life when everything is going well and times when you will struggle. The Wellness Place wants to be there to support you through both the good times and the hard times.

As a person living with autoimmune disease and having to make adaptations to my life style in order to survive each day, I understand on a personal level, some of what you are going through. I know first hand how important exercise, nutrition and modifications to your daily tasks can be. As an Occupational Therapist, I have the training and expertise to be able to analyze situations, break them down into smaller tasks and then provide changes or solutions, using evidenced based practices, to help you move through your struggles.


Daily Task Modification

-activity analysis
-work simplification techniques


-dietary needs
-essential oils

Adaptive Exercise

-Special Needs